Tower of Song and Stone

I'm building a Tower of Stone!
Just as long as you don't Sing!
Building the Tower of Stone on the beach at Livorno, Italy
Listening to the Tower of Song by Leonard Cohen
The Tower of Song and Stone
Peter Brian is the pseudonym of two friends with a combined 100+ years of studying the Civil War. Ardent fans of the Flashman books by George MacDonald Fraser, they deeply regret the lack of one particular volume in that series. They believe that missing episode is explained and completed in their 2-volume history of Snooks.
Formerly employed in the medical equipment, insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the two enjoy good wine, good music and travel. They have filled the hours in various pursuits—writing, teaching tennis and doing volunteer work in South Africa. Married to beautiful ladies from Twinsburg OH who were best friends since kindergarten, and enjoying numerous grandchildren, Peter and Brian count their blessings every day.
Peter Brian’s writings include:
· o Snooks North and South
o Snooks the President's Man
o The Buckland Races (Judson Kilpatrick)
· o The (Secret) Life and Letters of General George Gordon Meade
o An Uncivil War: General George G. Meade & The Pennsylvania Reserves In
Northern Virginia; October 9 to December 6, 1861
o A Brief Sketch of the Life and Death of Lt. Simeon W. Cummings
o Squish the Safety Squirrel